Direct4Baby's Guide To Potty Training

Direct4Baby's Guide To Potty Training


guide to toilet training toddlers


Is your little one showing signs of being ready to transition from the changing table to the potty?

Like many other challenges on the road to parenting success, we know that no two parents' experiences with potty training are the same. Whilst there are a number of tried and tested methods when it comes to training your little one, the most important thing to remember is to be patient, encouraging and consistent in your approach.

Here at Direct4Baby, we’re here to offer our advice and walk you through some of the most common telltale signs to recognise when your toddler is ready for the potty, as well as tips and tricks on how to become a potty training pro! Making the table-to-toilet experience a smooth, hassle-free process our guide is designed to keep both parents and little ones happy. First, we’ll start by answering some of the most common questions we often get asked when it comes to potty training.

What age should a child be potty trained by?

To put it plainly - just as no two children are the same, there’s no right or wrong age for a child to begin toilet training. Which is why it’s a parent’s responsibility to remain patient throughout the process. While many children can start to show signs of being ready for potty around the ages of 18-24 months, others may not be ready until the age of three. If you’re starting to worry about your toddler not showing signs, there’s no rush!

Often, if you start to encourage your toddler to consider potty training too early, it might take you even longer to train your little one than what it would when they’re ready to do so by themselves - which is why we recommend that parents trust the process and support toddlers at their own pace.

Is my toddler ready for the potty?

Ok - so you’ve done a bit of preparation and now you’re wondering whether your little one is ready for the toilet? Here are a few of the most common telltale signs in the form of questions to determine whether you and your little one are ready to embark on your next milestone.

  • Can your child walk to the toilet without aid?
  • Is your child able to pull his/her pants down and up again?
  • Does your child understand basic directions?
  • Do they communicate when they need to go to the toilet?
  • Does your child seem enthusiastic about wanting to use the toilet?
  • Is your child having longer than usual periods between nappy changes?

If you answered yes to the majority of these questions, it’s likely that your child is ready. However, if the majority of questions you answered were mostly no, you might want to hold off at the moment and give your little one time to prepare and be ready for this new milestone on their own.

What is the best way to start potty training?

So, you’ve recognised the signs and you’re ready to introduce your little one to toilet training - now it’s time to buy the tools to be as prepared as you possibly can be.

Many parents often find that letting their toddler pick their own potty, or their own ‘grown-up’ pants is an encouraging way to keep them involved right from the get-go. This will make the whole process a lot more personal and exciting for them - mimicking the same feelings and level of responsibility they’re used to when it comes to choosing their own toys.

If they choose their favourite colour potty or their favourite pair of pants - your toddlers are likely to feel a special bond with their new toilet training tools, which will potentially make the training process a whole lot easier.

Here at Direct4Baby, we have a specialist Potties & Toilet Training category, as we know having the right equipment can make the transition from nappies to the potty a lot smoother. From Patterned Potties, to Carry Potties that are particularly useful for overnight stays at the grandparents’ house - we have an extensive collection of potty training equipment online. That being said, here are a few other things parents should consider buying to be best prepared for the toilet training process:


Whilst we’ve talked about the importance of buying a potty and underwear, stickers are also a brilliant way to help your little ones celebrate their small victories. Whether you create a toilet training chart, or you simply allow your toddlers to stick the celebration stickers on the potty as a way of decorating their toilet, if your toddler sees toilet training as a positive, rewarding experience - it’s likely that their chances of success will improve.


Arguably one of the most important habits you can instil at an early age (even more so in this particular climate!), making your little one familiar with washing their hands after the toilet early on is a great way to add a sense of routine to toilet training. Invest in child-friendly soaps, with bright colours or their favourite characters on the bottles to make washing their hands a fun, memorable experience they will hopefully pick up and want to do unaided later in life.

Step stool

A step-stool goes hand-in-hand with toilet training and encouraging your little ones to wash their hands. This handy piece of equipment is necessary to allow your little one to reach the sink and toilet when they inevitably transition to the big toilet.

Educational books

Add a few educational books on the importance of toilet training into their regular reading routine. Either before, or during the toilet training process, a fun, educational storybook around toilet training and the importance of using the toilet will help your child familiarise themselves with the concept of toilet training and the words associated with it.

What happens if my child has an accident?

It’s easy to feel disheartened if your little one has an accident, but it’s important to remember that this will likely happen from time to time and it’s an important part of the process. Try not to display any signs of frustration and remain calm and upbeat (even if you don’t feel that way!).

Simply let your child know in a relaxed manner that they should’ve used the potty and give them lots of praise and encouragement when they do get it right - communication is vital in this part of the process.

Potty Training Essentials at Direct4Baby

From potties to toys, car seat protectors and liners - at Direct4Baby our Potties and Toilet Training category has everything you need to be best prepared for this exciting new milestone in your child’s life. Discover our full collection of toddler toilet training equipment and accessories online.